Friday, March 24, 2023

Music Updates for after Spring Break

Hello LBS families,

In the weeks after Spring Break we will be working on the following in Music:

Grade 5/6 - We have finished the Recorder Karate portion of our Recorder Unit.  After Spring Break we will be spending 2-4 Music Classes creating Recorder Compositions using the notes B A G, and performing our compositions for the class.  Recorders will be sent home when this work is finished.

Grade 3/4 - We will be moving, singing and playing instruments to some well known pieces of Classical Music.

Grade 1/2 - We will be finishing our work with Dan Brown's Wild Symphony as we are almost at the end of the book!

Kindergarten - We will begin to practice for our Kindergarten Concert! More information to follow.

Have a Wonderful Spring Break,

Julie Kawchuk

Monday, March 6, 2023

Student Led Conferences March 9 and 10

 Student Led Conferences March 9 and 10

All LBS students are welcome to come to the Music room during Student Led Conferences on March 9 and 10.  We have been preparing work to share with you.

Kindergarten : Rhythm Band

Grade 1/2: Wild Symphony

Grade 3/4: Tideo 

Grade 5/6: Recorders

Looking forward to seeing you,

Julie Kawchuk

Reminder: Musicplayonline access at home

Repost: A reminder that LBS students can access Musicplayonline at home!   There are many activities and games to support the students with ...