Monday, February 24, 2025

Wild Symphony Grade 1 and 2

 Wild Symphony Grade 1 and 2

The grade 1's and 2's have been enjoying our work with the book "Wild Symphony" by Dan Brown (yes, the author of 'The DaVinci Code').

This is a story book which has several animal characters, and each character is associated with an instrument.  We find the letter clues in the book to find out which instrument each character represents! The students LOVE to solve the clues!  

Dan Brown has also composed a piece of Orchestra Music for each character.  This music helps to tell the story.  We are using the music to focus on Curricular outcomes such as Accents, form, Crescendo, and following listening maps.

Ask your grade 1/2 student what their favourite character is that we have learned about so far.  

Julie Kawchuk

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Scott Joplin Listening and Cup Game - Grade 3/4

 Scott Joplin Listening and Cup Game - Grade 3/4

The Grade 3/4's have been learning about Scott Joplin.  As part of our learning, we have been listening to his piece called the Favourite Rag.

While listening critically, we reviewed what instruments we heard, as well as tempo, dynamics and the mood of the music.

Once we were familiar with the music, we participated in a cup game in small groups.  In a future class we will try it as one large group.

Wild Symphony Grade 1 and 2

 Wild Symphony Grade 1 and 2 The grade 1's and 2's have been enjoying our work with the book "Wild Symphony" by Dan Brown ...